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International Love: How to Make Long Distance Relationship Work

Long-distance relationships have been “a thing” for decades now, especially after the expansion of social media. While some people still don't believe that international dating can work, many stories prove the success of long-distance relationships! You shouldn't be skeptical about finding your soulmate online.

Many couples maintain their relationships on distance! In fact, your relationship could last longer than some “physical” relationships, if you know how to do it right. Since dating itself can be complicated, even if it's local, international dating is even more complicated. However, if you know how to approach long-distance dating and learn how to grow a relationship, you and your loved one could be the next story of successful international dating.

How to Maintain a Long-Distance Relationship?

1. Get the Best Out of Technology

Technology is your best friend when it comes to long-distance relationships! With useful gadgets, you will stay in touch with your loved one at all times.

If you meet your girl on a dating website, your relationship will start through modern devices. Therefore, a smartphone will be essential for the communication. However, there are many things that you can do with smart devices apart from chatting. You can communicate via audio and video calls, interesting apps, social media, and so on. Keeping your smartphone close and talking to your girl will keep your connection strong and make you feel as if you were together all the time. There are numerous smart gadgets that you can use to make the relationship more interesting. For example, you can find items for couples (such as lights or rings) that work together. For example, allow you to listen to the heartbeat of your significant one. Using all the advantages of advanced technology can only benefit your relationship.
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2. Be Patient and Understanding

Long-distance relationships are based on patience and mutual understanding. If you aren't tolerant and patient, you cannot succeed in international dating.

Developing these relationships takes time and you must be prepared for that. You will not be able to meet up and do all the things regular couples do so quickly. However, if you stay patient and motivated, all those things will mean so much more when you finally meet up. Also, you need to understand that your loved one has a life apart from you and you should respect that. The fact that she can't talk to you all the time doesn't mean that you aren't important. In the same way, you should also keep your life active outside your relationship. Waiting for the right moment to come when your relationship won't be “long-distance” anymore is not always easy but the gains and feelings after are worth it.
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3. Communicate

Communication is the key to your relationship. Without good communication, you don't exist as a couple.

Considering that you start your relationship because you have a good connection and your personalities match, it is understandable that you need to always communicate efficiently if you want to stay together. When you have a problem, talk about it openly. Do not hold your feelings in because it will only make the issue even bigger. Talk about it calmly and find the solution together. Also, you should communicate about everything else. Your lives, your goals, hopes… everything related to your relationship and your future. Use different methods to communicate. Whether you are chatting, talking on the phone, or the camera, make sure to stay straightforward and open to all discussions. The more you communicate, the stronger your relationship will be.
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4. Stay Positive and Don't Let Negative Opinions Influence You

People that never tried long-distance relationships cannot understand them. If you tell someone from your surroundings that you are dating someone that lives across the world, they will look at you with confusion and even judgment.

Then, you will probably receive a set of “that relationship won't work” comments. Do not let these negative comments affect you! Only you know who you are dating. Only you can understand why you are dating someone that lives far away and why is that person worth it. Therefore, it's only you and your loved one that can understand your relationship fully. If you succeed, everyone that once said that you won't make it will be the same people applauding your success. However, if you let those negative comments impact you, you will never prove that they are wrong. Stay focused on your relationship. Do not feel the obligation to prove anything to anyone apart from yourself and your partner.
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5. Be Romantic

Keeping your relationship stable, happy, and exciting takes some effort. If you really care about your significant one, it will not be a problem.

There are numerous ways to be romantic in long-distance relationships. Apart from gentle words and love expressions, which are essential, you can show your romantic side through songs, and other signs of attention. Dating websites have interesting, impressive service that can serve to make your girl feel special. The occasion for these service could be some important date or you can simply send them to make your girl feel your love. Also, you can send something to her home address. One of the options is to ship items from your country to hers. You can collect things that she will love to have from you, put them in a box, and ship them! In addition, you can order products from her local stores and get goods delivered to her quicker. Contact shops from her city, tell them what you would like to send to your lady, share her home address and send it!
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International relationships are complex but that complexity makes them special, among other things. There aren't many people that are blessed enough to meet their soulmates. If you met yours, that's all that matters. Getting together physically it's just a matter of time; connecting to someone spiritually is rare – appreciate what you have!

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