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The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with her, and now, I find my love - Carol.
Love is beautiful. Even though I am no longer young, but I have always look forward to love. Carol and I have been talking for 2 years. During this time we laughed and cried, but we are still together, nothing can separate us. I love her, and thanks to LookForHoney, it makes my old life full of color again and makes me no longer alone.
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What You Must Know When Dating Asian Women

Many people recognize Asian women as the best women on earth. It is not surprising that so many men desire to interact with and date Asian women. Since Asian culture is somewhat different from the culture of Europe or America, people do not really learn how to behave around girls like these.

Before we give a few tips on how to make a good first impression and turn this dating experience into a thrilling one, if you really want to date Asian girls, here is a little info on what Asian ladies are like:

  • 1) They are hardworking. Their diligent work allows them to balance their technical attributes with domestic duties. Moreover, these women hate talking about their other halves' financial earnings. They think this disrespectful to them.

  • 2) They are trusting towards their partners. Each match is considered a direct means of a serious and lasting relationship. Every girl born in Asia knows that finding a life-long partner is one of the most significant aspects of life that can only take place once a lifetime.

  • 3) They love children. Asian culture ensures that particular attention should be paid to youngsters. Asians like children and want a lot of them. Unfortunately, because of overpopulation, the legislation does not necessarily encourage multi-child households in Asia. This said, every child receives much love from their mother.

Now let's move on to how to pick up an Asian girl:

  • 1) Be upfront. The majority of Asian singles are pretty reserved because they choose someone brave and adamant if they want a guy to date. Still not every Asian girl knows how you feel about her when you hit on her, so if you're going to show her your thoughts, mention it explicitly.

  • 2) Don't get things rolling too quickly. Don't just jump right in and try to give it time. Don't switch a friendship too easily to the bed if you want something serious with her as it would be considered disrespectful.

  • 3) Be romantic. Most women are like that, of course, but Asian women are romantic in the heart. Do nice things for her like buying her roses, composing her a poem or asking her on a amorous date. Be confident, as he will enjoy all these loving acts.

  • 4) Overlook stereotypes. Asian women being servile and submissive is a misconception. Some men claim they are ideal for cooking and cleaning and will make good life-long partners. However, this is not so accurate as the western representation paradigm of men and women is being adopted by Asian women. If therefore you want an Asian lady, you should be conscious that you probably can't get what you expected. It also affects certain other Asian culture myths that you may have read. Particularly if she already lived for a long time in the western countries. She would generally be the same as most American or European women.

  • 5) Don't try to guess where she's from on the first date. It won't only sound disrespectful but can also render a bad first feeling. And nothing is sillier than to associate her to the wrong Asian country. Of course, it's cool to inspire her with the expertise of her mother country, but some men do do stupid things like saying hello in Japanese to a girl of Chinese origin who has lived in New York her whole life.

  • 6) They are not easy to pick up. It seems almost apparent to some people, who want an Asian female, that they are the sexiest and easiest to pursue. This isn't at all the case, though. Most Asian girls are incredibly timid and cautious. Also dating is a vital stage for them, so don't presume that they will be willing to have sex with you on the first date merely because they are Asian.

  • 7) You're not going to amuse her with some Asian culture facts. It's the same with guessing her race. You could be incorrect and then look stupid. And she definitely already knows everything that you are going to tell her, because she is Asian after all. It is all right to talk about her culture, but probably not on the first day and only when you know her better and about what topics she is interested in too.

  • 8) Treat her like you would treat any other woman. Whatever nation she comes from, you should concentrate on her personality and treat her as a woman and not an Asian woman if you want to date Asian girls. In Asian women dating, the biggest error most men make is that they focus too much on their cultural features. But if you want her and a relationship with her, it wouldn't matter where she comes from. Just concentrate more on how great a woman she is. Keep in mind that if your girlfriend was born and brought up in the West, her relationship with you would most likely not be different from that of other women.

  • 9) Be courteous to her parents and strive not to initiate a fight with them because you find you have differing views on life. The same goes for parents in every country. Just be careful, agree that every person deserves an opinion and believe in something that you want. You intend to develop an intimate relationship with a woman rather than her kin.

  • 10) Don't feel too avoiding to answer the questions that you might rather not answer about your life. You should be as honest as you can. Asian girls' family members genuinely care for their daughters' safety.

There are definitely certain unique traits of Asian women dating, but there are also universal principles that you must bear in mind as a gentleman. You won't have any trouble in your Asia date, be it on Asian dating sites or face to face, if you use these tips and your own dating experience.

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